For orderers

Here you as an orderer can get support and order contracted services from Falck and from our subcontractors.

Order service

Here you can directly fill in and place individual or group orders of contracted services, e.g. statutory surveys.

Start case dialogue

Book an appointment for an initial discussion with our experts about needs and to start up a case, for example in rehab, leadership, ergonomics and work environment.

Help to choose

Get guidance from our experts on which service or intervention best meets your needs. The talk is online with web booking.

Order contracted services

To read more or order online select the service by category. Search for a service with Ctrl+F.

Career and Outplacement (3)

Crisis Support (1)

Qualified support before, during and after a crisis.

Digital Services (3)

E-learning (18)

Ergonomics (3)

Gain knowledge about how to use the body, check if you need adapted equipment to avoid strain injuries.

Health and Lifestyle (14)

Proactive health work for individual employees and work groups that improves the profitability of the entire business.

New Employment (3)

Organisation and Leadership Support (8)

Rehabilitation and support (7)

Risky use and addiction (2)

Support in preventive work and in emergency situations where investigation or treatment efforts may be needed.

Sampling (4)

Statutory check-ups (37)

Statutory examinations and medical check-ups in accordance with the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations. In many cases, a risk assessment must be attached.

Systematic Work Environment Management (6)

Assistance in systematic work environment efforts to meet the requirements of the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

Training and Inspiration (7)

Vaccination (7)

Vaccinate employees, for example, if there is a risk of infection.

Start a case dialogue

Select the area for the intervention and describe your needs in the message box to book an appointment for a start-up dialogue by phone or digitally.


Sickness and Health Report

Collected statistics and management of absences and individual cases.