Companies choose us for our broad expertise. We have gathered all our experts to make it easy for you to understand the relationship between work environment, organisation and employees.

Creating a health-promoting workplace
Clear strategies and continuous commitment are required when work life becomes longer and more limitless. Therefore, corporate health needs to be easy. Very easy. All employers are obliged to follow the work Environment Agency's (Arbetsmiljöverkets) regulations of a sustainable work environment, AFS 2001:1. We help you do it.
What does the work environment look like? How do you work with health promotion? How do you handle crises if something happens and follow up rehabilitation? The answer is – by working systematically and let the work influence the entire organization.
By Falck you have access to services and educations in the entire chain. With us you are one step closer to get a health-promoting workplace.
Simplify corporate health with our digital services
With our digital tools we simplify your work with the corporate health. We offer:
- Education through our e-learning courses.
- Daily reports by our digital service Sickness and health report.
- Counseling with our experts through online meetings.
Access to experts around the country
You have access to our broad expertise at Falck local units around the country. You can also choose to contact us through video calls in the app Falck Oline
Our experts work closely together in teams to see the connections between work and health. We have competences within a broad spectrum, all of them remain within the working environment, leadership, health, rehabilitation and crisis management.
Behavioural scientist
Our behavioural scientist are experts in rehabilitation, work environment, organization and leadership.
Organizational consultants
Our organizational consultants develop organizations, employees and managers.
Rehab Coordinator
Occupational health
Our occupational health physicians and occupational health nurses can draw a link between health and work environment.
Health developers
Occupational safety and health engineers
Good work environment is no coincidence
Falck's role in the promotion and prevention is to act as an external occupational safety and health specialist by:
- Design and implement conditions for a sustainable and good working environment that prevents ill health.
- Educate in the field of health and safety at work.
- Carry out surveys and risk assessments.
- Propose and implement actions in the workplace that facilitate the work of creating a good working environment that promotes health and prevents ill health.

Falck sees the connections
The relationship between healthy employees and efficiency is clear. Well-functioning preventive work regarding the work environment covers all levels: organisation, group and individuals.
- Managers play a key role in the work reducing stress and achieving a good work environment.
- The experience of the lack of requirements/control in the workplace is related to poorer quality and more errors at work.
- Good organizational and social work environment provides better physical and mental health, better well-being, lower staff turnover, fewer sick leave and more commitment and better performance.
- Working preventively with the work environment is profitable.
- Investing in employees health creates higher productivity.
- Injustice at work can make us sick.
- Stress is contagious and can create collective stress in the workplace. So focus on the work environment when you want to reduce stress.