Statutory check-ups

Electromagnetic fields

The statutory health survey meets the Swedish Work Environment Authority's legal requirements according to AFS 2016:3 and is aimed at people exposed to electromagnetic fields.

The health check-up complies with the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations on Electromagnetic Fields (AFS 2016:3) and is aimed at employees who are exposed to electromagnetic fields in their working lives. The health check-up aims to prevent and early diagnose possible negative health effects caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Risk assessment of the work environment

In order to know which exposures are involved, the health check-up shall be preceded by a risk assessment of the work environment according to AFS 2016:3. The health check-up shall also be carried out if an undesirable or unexpected health effect is reported by an employee, or if exposure exceeding  limits is detected. The health check-up is normally not performed if the exposure is below the limit value, except if employees are exposed to specific risks from the exposure.

How the health survey works

  1. Booked health check-up
    Once you have ordered the service, your employee will be booked fora a health check-up. The time is communicated in an email to your employee and to you as the orderer.

  2. Visit to an occupational health physician
    The employee makes a visit to an occupational health physician from Previa. The physician conducts a clinical health check-up of the heart and lungs as well as a neurological examination.

  3. Certificate
    Certificates from the check-up are issued to the employee.


You as a manager or authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.