Statutory check-ups

Mariners - Complete check-up

According to the enlistment law or the Ship Safety Regulation, shall mariners go through a complete health check-up when working on unlimited seafaring (worldwide) and at limited seafaring (Europe).

According to the Enlistment Law (1983:929) or the Ship Safety Regulation (2003:438), marines shall go through a complete health check-up when working on unlimited seafaring (worldwide) and at limited seafaring (Europe).

A full check-up should also be carried out if you as an employer consider that an additional examination should be carried out due to illness or other things that affect ability.

How it works

  1. Bring certificates and prescriptions
    Once you have ordered the service, your employee will be booked for a health check-up. The time is communicated in an email to your employee and to you as the orderer. The employee shall include a certificate/prescription of any corrective glass/lenses' strength issued by an optician or ophthalmologist.

  2. Health check-up
    Full check-up includes: health declaration, general examination, eye examination, hearing examination, examination of possible occurrence of tuberculosis.

  3. Manila certificate and serviceability assessment
    A manila certificate and a serviceability assessment are submitted to the employee. The assessment of service is based on the physician's assessment that the employee does not have a disease that is likely to present a danger to the health or safety of the others on board. The person shall not have any disease likely to be aggravated by, or render him or her incompetent for, service at sea. The employee shall also meet the visual and hearing requirements that apply to the intended service.

Position on board

For the check-up, the employee must inform about his/hers position on board.

  • Group 1: Deck – Commander, coxswain, helmsman, lookout, member of the security crew and belonging to the deck compartment.
  • Group 2a: Deck – Other staff in the deck compartment not included in Group 1.

  • Group 2b: Machine, machine personnel.

  • Group 3: Superintendent/other staff.

  • Group 4: Radio telephone staff, radio staff responsible for GMDSS.


You as a manager and authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.