Statutory check-ups

Laboratory animals

The health cjeck-up meets the Swedish Work Environment Authority's legal requirements (AFS 1990:11) and is aimed at people working with laboratory animals, where they are exposed to different degrees of exposure to allergens.

According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations on laboratory animals (AFS 1990:11), a statutory health check-up focusing on allergy and hypersensitivity should be offered to employees working in environments where laboratory animals reside. The examination should be offered before the start of the work, as well as for symptoms suggestive of allergy or hypersensitivity. Employees with allergies or hypersensitivity should be offered the health check-up periodically. How often an employee with allergies should undergo the periodic examination is determined in consultation with a physician.

How it works

  1. Booked time with a ocuupational health physician
    Once you have ordered the service, your employee will be booked for a health check-up. The time is communicated in an email to your employee and to you as the orderer. Your employee should bring any eyewear prescriptions/opticians certificates and any hearing aids to the examination.

  2. Visit with health declaration
    During the visit at the occupational health physician, the employee is examined. Sampling, as well as medical check-up with any referral to a specialist is done if necessary.

  3. Certificate
    The certificate of the check-up is submitted to the employee for forwarding to you as the responsible orderer.


You as a manager or authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.