Statutory check-ups

Hand-intensive work

Medical checkup for hand-intensive work according to Section 26 of the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations on medical checks at work.

This medical check is aimed at employees who, based on risk assessment, are shown to have a hand-intensive work and in need for a checkup.

The check-up complies with the Swedish Work Environment Authority's legal requirements and with the regulations on Medical Checks at Work (AFS 2019:3).

The checkup shall be carried out at the following intervals:

  • The verification shall be organised and carried out within 3 years of the start of hand-intensive work and every three years thereafter.
  • For employees who have started hand-intensive work before 1 November 2019, medical checks must be organised by 31 October 2021.

How the medical checkup works

  1. Reservation
    Once you as a manager have ordered the service, we book your employee for the medical checkup. The time will be announced by e-mail to your employee and to you as the orderer. The employee fills out a questionnaire and bring to the visit. If you ordered medical checkups for a group of employees, you will be contacted for dialogue and planning of the medical checks.
  2. Medical check-up
    The medical checkup focuses on the neck, shoulders, arms and hands and is carried out by a physiotherapist.
  3. Feedback
    The employee receives feedback from the physiotherapist and written feedback is sent to you as the orderer via encrypted email.
    In the case of a group order, group reports can be ordered extra and feedback of results is done in agreement when planning the assignment.


You as a manager or authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.