Statutory check-ups

Driving licence

We issue medical certificates for your employees who need a driving license with higher qualifications for professional traffic in accordance with the Swedish Transport Agency's requirements.

The health check-up meets the requirements for driving licence applications according to the Swedish Transport Agency medical requirements for the possession of a driving licence (TSFS 2010:125) and the changes made in 2016 (TSFS 2016:37).

The driving license is valid from the day it is issued. The rating C, CE, D or DE shall apply until the driver reaches the age of 45 and thereafter renewed periods of not more than 10 years.

How the medical certificate is issued

  1. Employee booked for health check-up
    When you have ordered the service, the employee is booked for a check-up. The time of the visit is given to both you as an employer and your employee in an email.

  2. The health check-up 
    During the visit to an occupational health physician and an occupational health nurse, the employee may take samples, perform a visual and hearing test and perform a balance check.

  3. Medical certificates are issued and sent to the Swedish Transport Agency
    After the visit, a certificate is issued and submitted to your employee. A digital certificate is sent directly to the Swedish Transport Agency.


You as a manager or authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.