Statutory check-ups

Air-traffic controller

Air traffic controllers shall undergo aero-medical assessment to rule out the possibility that they have a physical or mental illness which may lead to the inability to perform assigned safety duties and obligations.

The survey shall be carried out before they start work and every two years if they are less than 40 years of age. Then once a year.

How the health check-up works

  1. Include last issued medical certificates
    Once you have ordered the service, your employee will be booked into a health check-up. The time is communicated in an email to your employee and to you as the orderer. Remind the employee to bring the last medical certificate issued to the visit with us so that we can make the right assessment.

  2. Physical
    The medical examination includes: ECG (according to statutory periodicity), Audiometry (according to statutory periodicity), sampling and blood pressure. In addition, we take the employee's height and weight.

  3. Issued certificate
    After the medical check-up, a medical certificate is issued for air-traffic controllers from EMPIC.

First-time check-up of future air traffic controllers

If your employee is going to do a check-up for the first time, the Aeromedical Center (AeMC) approved by the Swedish Transport Agency (Aeromedical Center, AeMC) located in Stockholm and Malmö is performed.


You as a manager or authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.