Can clothes affect our work environment? On Thursday 18 November, Previa invites you to a webinar where we discuss the clothes we wear at work from a psychosocial perspective.
During the pandemic, many of us swapped shoes for a pair of comfortable slippers and chose the cozy pants over the suit. But those soft and comfortable clothes, how has it really affected us? And now that we're going back to the office, what kind of clothes do we choose?
We have invited stylist Marie Wermelin who, together with Kristina Spegel, psychologist at Previa, will discuss the impact of clothes and clothing on the workplace from a perspective on the psychosocial work environment. We hope you get some new thoughts about clothes and psychology and some hands-on advice now that we're back in the office.
Participants: Kristina Spegel, psychologist, and Marie Wermelin, stylist.
Language: Swedish