Occupational health for you in demo company

Previa is a supplier of occupational health to Company X. We are an independent expert resource in health, work environment and rehabilitation who together with you work to make Company X one of Sweden's healthiest workplaces!

For orderers within Demo

Here you as aan orderer can log in and order contracted services from Previa and from our subcontractors.

If you do not have a Swedish personality, send a request or contact customer service.


For employees

Here you as an employee can order services directly or contact Previa to get answers to your questions.

For employees


Here we have collected answers to frequently asked questions about our services.


Supportive talk

The demo company's employees have the possibility of call support by phone during weekdays 8:00-16:30, call XXXX-XXX XXX.

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Find us

Find addresses, opening hours and see current activities at your local Previa unit.

Previa near you

Sickness, care of children and health notification

Make your report and get medical advice around the clock (24/7) at 0775-580 058

If you are unsure whether you are connected to the service - Read here

Questions and Support

Contact our customer service through secure forms online or call us all ordinary weekdays 08:00–16:30 on 0775-522 522

Help us get better

Do you have comments, want to make suggestions or make a complaint about Previa's support and delivery in corporate health or our digital services?

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