Health and Lifestyle

Supportive talk

If you need support, have symptoms of high stress or are on sick leave, a talk with a behavioral scientist or psychologist can help you manage your situation. The service is offered both as a visit to one of our units or as an online visit.

In emergency cases, such as suicidal thoughts, we refer you to primary care or emergency psychiatry.

Supportive talk is available for you who, for various reasons, do not feel well at your workplace or are on sick leave. In a guiding conversation
with one of our psychologists or behavioral scientists, measures are suggested to help you move forward.

How it works

  1. Order service
    When you order the service, you describe your questions and needs and whether you want to book a visit to one of our units or online. You are then booked in for a visit and receive a confirmation via text message.
  2. Visit
    During the visit, a behavioural scientist or psychologist will familiarise themselves with your problem, make an assessment and give suggestions for measures.
  3. Feedback
    When the initial call is completed, we will get back to your manager. The feedback aims to clarify what can and needs to be done in order for you to maintain or regain your work ability. If your problem falls outside the competence of occupational health, we will help guide you further.