Anonymous supportive talk

As an employee at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, you have the opportunity to order Supportive talk from behavioural scientists or psychologists without the manager's approval.

What is an anonymous support call?

An anonymous support call means that your manager will not be informed of either your order or the outcome of your visit. This means that your manager is not able to act on questions and comments in your work environment unless you as an employee share this with the manager.

This is how it works

  1. Order the service by clicking the order button.
  2. Falck receives your order and books you in for a support call. You will receive confirmation of time by e-mail. Time is given within 7 working days.


Remember: You have the option of one anonymous call per calendar year.


Questions and support

Contact our customer service via secure forms here online or call us all weekend-free weekdays 08:00-16:30 on 0771-23 00 00