Medical Check Ups – Climbing with great hight difference

The statutory check-up complies with the legal requirements of AFS 2019:3, AFS 2000:06 and applies to employees who work at drop heights - where the workplace includes work with masts and poles, as well as climbing where the level difference is over thirteen meters. Before you order the service, you need to carry out a risk assessment.

What it is

Medical Check-up - Climbing with great hight difference incl ECG is done to reduce health risks of employees working at drop heights. Check-ups that include ECG is not done as often as check-ups without ECG. Make sure you order the right service. After the check-up, we will issue a certificate of service.

When it should be done

  • Before starting work
  • Before work is resumed if more than twelve months have passed since the last check-up
  • Before continuing work for anyone who has had an incident that could lead to increased risk when working at drop heights
  • With a maximum of twelve months

When it should include ECG

  • At the first check
  • Every five years for employees under the age of 40
  • Every two years for employees between 40 and 50 years of age
  • Annually for employees over 50 years of age

The employer is responsible for ensuring that the right medical check-ups are done with the right periodicity.

How it works

  1. Carry out risk assessment
    Before you order the service, you must carry out a risk assessment in order to identify the specific work situation and any risks.
  2. Order service
    Fill in information from the risk assessment in the order form. When you have ordered the service, a time for the check-up is booked. The time is communicated by sms.
  3. Fill in health declaration
    Before the visit, the employee fills in a health declaration and brings it to the visit.
  4. Visit
    During the visit, sight and hearing tests are performed, as well as a balance control, sampling and ECG. The performed risk assessment and filled in health declaration are the basis for the visit.
  5. Certificate
    The health declaration, medical examination and test results form the basis for assessment and whether a certificate for service can be issued. 
  6. Feedback
    A certificate is given to the employee.

Information for employees

  • Download the health declaration form, fill it in and bring it to the visit.
  • Bring any previously issued certificate to the visit.
  • Save the new certificate after the visit.