General questions

Here you can find answers to our most common questions, where to go and get our help or support. You can ask questions online to our customer service or call 0771-23 00 00.


If you need help with login or support questions about our services on my pages, you can contact our support team. Contact us online or at 0771-44 00 55 weekdays 08:00 – 17:00.

Contact Support

Invoice Questions

If you have questions about your invoice or need help logging in to the invoice web, you can contact our invoice support. You can also get help on 08-50 89 20 30 weekdays 09:00 – 11:00.

Contact Invoice Support

Notification of Sickness and Health

Here we have gathered frequently asked questions about Previa's sickness and wellness notification service for managers and employees.

Sickness and health-questions and support

Health and Work Environment Survey

The survey is partly adapted for each customer. What applies to your particular company is stated in the personal email invitation, for example time booking and practical about the survey. If you don't have an invitation ask your manager or HR for more information.

Login Websurvey

My Pages

If your employer is connected to Previas online ordering service, you as a manager or authorized client can make direct order of the services under your agreement. See Current services and place your order and by logging in to my pages in the top menu.

About my pages

Online Visit

With online visits, you can easily, quickly and securely meet our experts at Previa wherever you are. Here's how to get started with your visit.

About Online Visit

Authorized Orderer

"Authorized orderer" apply to all persons within the company who, in the contract, are authorized to order services from Previa. In most cases, this is all managers and HR. In some cases, special agreement is made to enable employees to put their own orders for certain services.

When Previa receives an order online, it is made on the basis that the client meets this requirement.


To log in to some of our digital services, you need mobile BankID or BankID, an e-ID. With e-ID you can securely legitimize yourself on the Internet. This can be compared to a standard ID document, such as an ID card or a driver's license.

Contact Support

Secure Communication

You can securely send messages and attach files securely to Previa by using our contact forms, such as customer service and your Previa unit. All communication on the website is encrypted and not sent publicly on the internet. This way we can guarantee message handling that complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides privacy protection for our customers and the customer employees.

Our Locations

Customer Pages

If your company have a customer webpage on Previas' website, use the contacts and addresses listed there, instead of those listed the public pages.

Order Form

To be able to quickly order and get the right support, or if you need a requisition, you can use our order form. It is completed by the manager and co-workers together and then sent to your Previa unit under Our Locations.

Download Order Form

Previa in social media

In our social media we share, among other things, tips, articles, press releases and new jobs. You can find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and Twitter.

Ask online

By contacting customer service through our web forms, your information and questions are sent securely to Falck.


Ask online

By contacting customer service through our web forms, your information and questions are sent securely to Falck.


Reason for contacting Previa?

Are you an authorized orderer at your company and would like to make a new booking or order a service? Select the service under each category and click on "Order".

Order service

Are you an authorized orderer at your company and would like to make a new booking or order a service? Select the service under each category and click on "Order".

Order service

If you need help with login or Sick and Healthy statistics, you can contact our support below.

If you need help with login or Sick and Healthy statistics, you can contact our support below.