About the Sickness and Health Report

Frequently asked questions about our online service Sickness and Health Report.

How do I register online?

The registration is done by entering the social security number in a secure web form, which is then registered directly in real time.. 

The subscriber online will receive a confirmation at SMS, once the registration has been registered. When the case is registered, information is also sent to the manager and other agreed persons/functions is also sent out via SMS and e-mail.

Is the medical registration registered directly?

– Yes, the case is registered immediately upon registration and you will receive a confirmation by sms.

Can I get advice from a nurse by phone?

– Yes, 24-hour medical advice is offered in the online form upon registration. (Some employers have agreed on their own registration number to be used.)

How much does online notification cost?

– No additional charges apply for online registration. The service is offered to all Sickness absence and presence customers within the existing agreement.

Can I see notifications made online in the statistics?

– Yes, all cases received are shown in the statistics.

Does online signup cause any change in the Sickness and Health Report?

– Online registration provides increased availability and reduced waiting time for the user. The content of the service is not changed and monitoring is done with the current process. Medical telephone is also offered to the signer online, who can choose to be contacted by a telephone nurse.

How do we enable the service for our organization?

The authorised client activates the digital notification here. Then it is possible for employees to call, online and by telephone.

Why is the service visible when we have not signed up for it?

– The Sickness and Health Report will be visible to all visitors, but can only be used by the employees where the company has actively signed up for the service to Falck.

How do I get help or more information?

Use the web form to ask questions directly to the customer service for Sickness and Health Report.

Do you need help?