Statutory check-ups

Track and tunnel authorization category 19

Employees with tasks within the security service or with requirements for track and tunnel authorization shall conduct a periodic health check-up. The examination only applies to employees working on SL's tramway, railways or metro.

Health requirements from the Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Administration

  • The health requirements are stated in the Swedish Transport Agency's regulation BVFS 2000:4, TSFS 2013:50 and health requirements for train drivers TSFS 2011:61.
  • Security Services according to point 5.2.
  • Track and tunnel access according to point 5.3.
  • Health requirements are regulated in the Swedish Transport Administration's health regulation SSÄ SÄB-0484 page 6.

The check-up shall be carried out at the following intervals:

  • Every five years until the age of 45.
  • Every three years between 46 years of age and 59 years of age.
  • Every year from the age of 60.

How it works

  1. Bring your prescription and certificate
    Once you have ordered the service, your employee will be booked into the health examination. The time is communicated in an email to your co-worker and to you as the orderer. Your employee should bring any eyewear prescriptions/opticians' certificates and/or hearing aids to the examination.

  2. Doctor
    The visit includes: occupational helath physician's appointment with health declaration, drug test, rest-ECG, sampling.

  3. Opinion
    Medical opinion for security services/track and tunnel access is issued by the physician and signed by the employee. The statement is sent in accordance with agreement in the order. If the employee is not serviceable, you will be informed immediately.


You as a manager and authorized customer can order services directly online. After you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email.

Want to know more?

Please contact us if you want to know more about the service or how we can provide support to your business.