
New e-learning in psychological first aid

Falck is launching a new e-learning on mental health where you will learn more about how to approach and help someone who is struggling. You will also learn how to prevent mental health issues and how to identify crisis reactions.

We know that it is important to work preventively and to act in cases of mental health issues, but meeting someone who is struggling can feel difficult and challenging for many. Psychological first aid is about being able to provide support to people who are suffering due to mental health issues or because of an event that has occurred.

"The purpose of this training is, among other things, to provide knowledge so that you can recognize mental health issues, both in yourself and in those around you," says Anna Wickberg, psychologist at Falck.

opening quote

The purpose is to provide knowledge so that you can recognize mental health issues, both in yourself and in those around you.

Overview of the e-learning

A report from the Public Health Agency of Sweden shows that the proportion of people with mental health issues is increasing and that more are seeking care for psychiatric conditions. The rate of suicide is also rising in certain age groups, especially among younger individuals. This training aims to provide confidence so that you dare to act if someone around you is not feeling well. You will also learn more about what to do if you are not feeling well yourself.

You will receive, among other things:

  • Basic knowledge about mental health issues
  • Knowledge about how stress affects mental health
  • Learning about crisis reactions – identifying and managing them
  • Strategies for preventing and promoting mental health
  • Tools to dare to act and support those around you
  • Knowledge about when professional support is needed and where to turn

The training is aimed at both managers and employees and is available for our customers to order.