Build resilience and protect yourself against viruses

Expert tips


Many viruses and colds are circulating, and it is not always possible to prevent getting sick, but we can do a lot to prevent infection and keep up our energy.

Many, perhaps especially parents of young children, are now steeling themselves to cope with the virus season. Last year, however, it was unusually low sick leave rates in February and the classic "vabruari" did not happen. How it will turn out this year remains to be seen, but it is clear that the virus season is here with everything from colds, flu, stomach flu and mycoplasma circulating.

"In the world around us, compliance with the usual health advice seems to be becoming increasingly important for preventing diseases as we move quickly between different places and socialize in varying environments on a daily basis," says Torbjörn Vedberg, occupational health physician at Falck.

This year we will also have to wait a long time for the next day off. The the time after Christmas and New Year until the next red day off, cover January, February, March, and well into April, when Easter falls late. We give tips on how to stay healthy and keep up your energy.

How to prevent infection and maintain energy

1. Protect yourself with vaccination
Vaccination against COVID-19 and influenza is the most effective protection against becoming seriously ill. The Public Health Agency of Sweden recommends that people aged 65 and over get vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza. People who are 18–64 years old and are at risk of becoming seriously ill due to certain underlying diseases or conditions are also recommended vaccination.

2. Wash your hands
Wash your hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet and before cooking and eating food. If you do not have access to soap and water, you can use hand sanitizer, but it does not help against all viruses and bacteria, such as stomach flu.

3. Cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm
Cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm or into a paper handkerchief. By using your arm or a handkerchief as protection when you cough or sneeze, you reduce the risk of spreading the virus to people around you.

4. Think about who you meet
If you want to reduce the risk of getting infected, primarily socialize outdoors if you meet people with cold symptoms.

5. Prioritize good sleep
Our immune system is affected by how you sleep. If you sleep poorly, it makes you more susceptible to viruses and bacteria and you are more susceptible to infections. Therefore, make sure to try to get enough hours of good sleep.

6. Eat a varied diet
Food is the best way to get what you need for a strong immune system. Try to eat varied and regular to give your body the nutrition and energy it needs. To get essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, try to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, berries, and whole grains.

7. Exercise regularly
Regular moderate exercise strengthens our immune system and makes you more resistant to infections. This means that if you were to get sick, the chance increases that you will have easier symptoms and recover faster.

8. Stay home when you are sick
Show consideration for yourself and others by staying home if you are sick and have clear symptoms of a respiratory infection, stomach flu, or fever. Also avoid close contact with people around you.
