Career and Outplacement

Career Change with or without Health Support


Support for employees who have reached a termination agreement with their employer and who are in need of health interventions and in finding new employment.

What it is

Career Change helps companies and employees to go their separate ways in responsible and structured forms that benefit both parties. Falck's needs-adapted Career Change Program is based on a well-proven process with career modules and the opportunity to add needs-adapted and scientific health support.

The aim is to find new and sustainable employment outside the current organisation (new work, studies, starting your own business, etc.) and to simultaneously promote the individual's health, motivation and sustainability through access to needs-adapted health support. The programme is given by our trained Career Coaches. Additional specialist competencies from Falck participate based on the health support needed.

The service is offered for 3, 6 or 9 months – with or without health support. The length of the programme and the choice of health support are decided after a needs analysis and in consultation with you as orderer.


The needs-based health support means that one or more of the following services are delivered in parallel with the Career Change Program:

How it works

  1. Order service
    State your questions and needs in the order form, as well as contact details for any accompanying person the employee wants to bring with them to the visit. When you have ordered the service, the employee is booked in for a Needs Analysis via an online visit with a career coach. The time is communicated in a text message to the employee.
  2. Visit
    Video call with career coach where Needs Analysis is carried out and the Career Change Program is presented.
  3. Feedback
    Feedback to the orderer regarding suggestions for the duration of the program and any health support. Before starting a program, the orderer contacts the career coach. 
