Counselling and support by phone

Different situations can create stress and anxiety for employees for various reasons. All employees who feel the need for support are welcome to contact Falck.

Counselling from Falck provides support for unexpected and serious incidents, and the support means qualified counselling of a psychological nature for all Volvo employees in Sweden around the clock, every day of the week.

Call Falck by phone 0775-52 522 for counselling

Open between 8- 16:30 weekday

To book an appointment, get counseling and support by phone from Falck. You can also order the service digitally further down this page.

  1. You will be booked for counselling by telephone with a psychologist or behavioral scientist. Confirmation of time is sent by email.
  2. The goal is to create opportunities to strengthen your resources and regain control over the life situation.
  3. You can book up to three calls and the calls are free.
  4. Falck provides feedback on what is important for employers to be able to assume their work and rehabilitation responsibilities after consent.

Questions and Support

Contact our customer service through secure forms online or call us all ordinary weekdays 08:00–16:30 on 0775-522 522

Order service

The order is sent encrypted with a secure connection to protect sensitive data.

The order is sent encrypted with a secure connection to protect sensitive data.