Here you will find information about the courses, programs and lectures that you have the option to order. If you are interested in a training or a lecture, click on the enquiry and you will be contacted by a consultant at Previa for a dialogue.
Program Mindfulness
(3640 SEK/participant | 6 occasions á 1.5 hrs)
Internet-based program to get better balance, focus and live more in the present. Aimed at employees who want help to manage and relate to their stress for a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
ACT for employees
(4310 SEK/participant | 4 occasions á 3 hrs)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to promote physical and mental health. A psychological training program where participants practice their mental flexibility to meet everyday challenges, improve learning, innovation, endurance and productivity
Programme - Tobacco Cessation, Tobacco Free
(2484 SEK/participant, 19773 SEK/group | 24 weeks)
Solution-focused smoke and snus cessation program where theoretical knowledge is alternated with group work and individual work.
Program Feldenkrais, Västerås
(7909 SEK/participant | 3-5 times á 1.5 hours)
Previa offers Feldenkrais lessons and programs, both individually and in group lessons. The Feldenkrais method is an experiential movement education for increased well-being that contributes to reduced tension/pain/stress, increased lightness in daily movements, increased ability to presence in the present and greater ease and flexibility in working life/life.
Work environment - Allergenic chemical products including course certificates (6560 SEK | 3hrs)
Work environment - Allergenic chemical products, individual incl. course certificate (3400 SEK | 2 hours)
The working environment block
(15000 SEK | 1 day)
Previa participates in ABB's work environment training
Alcohol and drugs in the workplace
(10340 SEK | 4 hours)
Increase knowledge about alcohol and drugs to help you address this in the workplace and to get tools to do something about the situation when they arise.
Resilience education
(4150 SEK | 2 hours)
Stress and stress reactions are present in all cultures. Resilience or resistance to stress can be trained. Through this training ABB wants to increase your knowledge of resilience and thereby improve the conditions for a good individual and common work environment.
Work environment AFS 2015:4 (SEK 7,350 | 3 hours)
Stress - work effectively with less stress
(6560 SEK | 3 hours)
This lecture is a continuation of the Resilience education. How can we work to prevent and manage unhealthy stress in the workplace? By gaining more knowledge about stress, the importance of recovery and current research, the possibility of creating a healthy and efficient work environment increases.
Communication - The developing conversation
6560 SEK | 3 hours)
We communicate every day, consciously and unconsciously, with both language and body. Often we are not even aware of what signals we send out to other people. In this training we provide tools that facilitate the professional conversation.
Employeeship - We are each other's work environment
(6560 SEK | 3 hours)
How can we work together in a workplace to develop a health-promoting work environment? In this training we identify factors that have great value in creating job satisfaction and well-being. When managers and employees feel responsible and collaborates in the development of workplaces and tasks, good working conditions and a good work environment are created.
Early signals for managers
(4680 SEK | 2 hours)
Previa's rehab coordinator guides you how to identify early signals of ill health and give you the tools so you can take your responsibilities as a manager. The education is based on a rehabilitation perspective.
What are early signs of ill health?
When to act and what to do?
What responsibility do you have as a manager?
Web course for managers - Early signs of ill health
(6590 SEK | 2 hours)
A digital education focusing on early signs of ill health. The training is held by an occupational health physician, psychologist or behavioural scientist.
What are early signs of ill health?
Mental illness, stress, alcohol and drugs.
How can you, as a manager, see warning signals?
When are you going to act?
Your responsibilities as a manager.
Tools for dealing with early signals.
Shift work - Shift work and health
(6560 SEK | 3 hours)
What factors in working life affect the health of night and shift work? In this education we go through factors that affect health and help create conditions for a healthier workplace where employees have the opportunity to perform well, enjoy their work and have strength left after a work day.
Leadership - Behavioural leadership
(6560 SEK | 3.5 hours)
By understanding the mechanisms that drive behaviors, the manager can exercise more effective leadership and create a healthy organization where individuals thrive. We review how behavioral analysis can take us one step further as leaders.
Ergonomics in computer work at home
(2880 SEK / 60 min)
Long periods of work in non-ergonomically adapted work environments, such as at home, increase the risk of congestion problems. The lecture can prevent and reduce sick leave and increase both attendance and performance.
Leading remotely
(3955 SEK / 60 min)
Leading staff from a distance presents special challenges for you as a manager. To take the same responsibility requires new behaviors from you. The lecture focuses on how you can adapt leadership and upgrade it to closer and more efficient leadership despite the distance.
Job satisfaction
(3955 SEK | 60 min)
Job satisfaction increases well-being, commitment and efficiency. How do we create job satisfaction?
Early signals from an employee perspective
(3955 SEK | 60 min)
As a colleague – what is important to consider?
What do you do if you feel that someone is not well?
Living in change
(6540 SEK | 2 hours)
What happens to us in the event of change and when may support be needed.
In an changing working life, we provide tools and knowledge about this process.
Mental illness from an employee perspective
(3955 SEK | 60 min)
As a colleague – what is important to consider? What do you do if you feel that someone is not well?
General Ergonomics - Data
(2800 SEK | 60 min)
The lecture highlights the most important principles of computer ergonomics and the important relationship between physical activity and health. How can risks to your body during computer work be prevented? How to set up chair and table in the workplace?
General ergonomics - Production
(2800 SEK | 60 min)
This lecture highlights some of the most important principles in production ergonomics. What causes strain problems/injuries? What are the risks associated with manual handling? What are the risks in postures and movements? What approaches are useful for ergonomics and the prevention of discomfort?