Statutory Checkups

Medical check-up – Night work

This statutory check-up is aimed at those who work at night and who need a renewed certificate for night work. Here you as an employee can book an appointment for a health examination after agreement with your employer.

What the service entails

Medical check-up: Night work is a health check performed to reduce health risks associated with night work. It is offered to employees who work at least three hours of their shift between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. or who are likely to complete at least one-third of their annual work hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The rules do not apply to temporary night work that is not estimated to exceed three months. After the check has been carried out, we will provide feedback with a certificate for service.

Time interval

  • The check must be offered before the night work begins
  • Thereafter every six years
  • Employees over the age of 50 must be offered the check-up every three years.

How it works

  1. Order service
    When you have ordered the service, you will be booked in for a health check. The time is announced in a text message.
  2. Fill in health declaration
    Before the visit, you fill in a health declaration that you take with you as a basis for the visit at the occupational health physician.
    Download health declaration for night work (pdf)
  3. Visit
    During the visit, you will perform a health examination and discuss the completed health declaration together with the occupational health physician. From the visit you will receive information about diet and sleep tips for night work.
  4. Certificate
    Health declaration and medical examination form the basis for assessment and whether certificate for service can be issued.
  5. Feedback
    Certificate for service are sent to you as an employee via secure e-mail.