Health and work environment profile

If you have been offered a health and work environment profile by your employer, you can place an order here. The service aims to create awareness of your health and to provide an opportunity for reflection on how you can maintain or improve your health and well-being.

How it works

  1. Request service
    Once you have ordered the service, you will be booked in for a health check. The time is announced in a text message.
  2. Fill in healthpoll
    Before the visit, you fill out a health questionnaire and take it with you as a basis for the visit.
  3. Visit
    During the visit, fitness tests and measurements of blood pressure, BMI, waist circumference, glucose and cholesterol are carried out, as well as any optional examinations.
  4. Feedback
    As an employee, you will receive feedback from us. Your manager does not receive any feedback regarding your personal performance. If more than ten employees have completed the profile, the manager can get a result at group level. 

Important information

Before the visit:

  • Fill in the health questionnaire before the visit.
  • Do not perform vigorous physical exercise or heavy work in the hours prior to the visit
  • You should not eat, drink, or smoke/snuff 2 hours before the visit. Water is good to drink
  • The visit takes about 1 hour


  • Change of clothes and training shoes for the fitness test, or have casual clothing
  • The name of your medication(s), if you are taking any
  • Valid ID/ID document
  • Completed health questionnaire