Order service



Reason for supportive talk

After placing the order, a direct link to online appointment booking will be sent to the specified e-mail with the subject: "Kallelse - Välkommen till/Welcome to Falck"

After placing the order, a direct link to online appointment booking will be sent to the specified e-mail with the subject: "Kallelse - Välkommen till/Welcome to Falck"

Current work task(s):











How many persons is the order for?

Attach the list of personal data in a separate document and upload it below. Use the template for group orders. (download template)

Attach the list of personal data in a separate document and upload it below. Use the template for group orders. (download template)

Swedish social security number

Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Attach any risk assessment below with file upload.

Attach any risk assessment below with file upload.



Specify the immediate manager who will be the recipient of the first-day certificate…

Specify the immediate manager who will be the recipient of the first-day certificate…

Additional recipient of certificate or feedback

Attach any risk assessment below with file upload.

Attach any risk assessment below with file upload.

Attach a copy of the decision for first day certificate. (PDF)

Attach a copy of the decision for first day certificate. (PDF)

To attach multiple files: hold "ctrl" or "cmd" and select all the files you want to include in the order.

To attach multiple files: hold "ctrl" or "cmd" and select all the files you want to include in the order.


All data is sent with a secure connection. In the next step, you can save a summary of the order as a pdf. Confirmation to employees is sent as a text message.


All data is sent with a secure connection. In the next step, you can save a summary of the order as a pdf. Confirmation to employees is sent as a text message.

Drug test answers: If the service includes a drug test, a negative test result will be notified in email titled "Result of test " from noreply@Infosolution.se

Drug test answers: If the service includes a drug test, a negative test result will be notified in email titled "Result of test <order number>" from noreply@Infosolution.se


About personal data: As a customer, you are responsible for providing correct information to ensure the handling of personal information when ordering, booking and invoicing. Please read our Privacy Policy.


About personal data: As a customer, you are responsible for providing correct information to ensure the handling of personal information when ordering, booking and invoicing. Please read our Privacy Policy.

Keep in mind that

In order to know what health requirements are imposed in the individual case, the order must state what tasks the candidate is expected to perform. 

The candidate should bring any eyeglass prescriptions/optician certificates and/or hearing aids to the examination